Doa dan Harapan umat Katolik Papua kepada Paus Fransiskus
“Kami Terancam, Bapa Suci Bersuara dan Bertindak Untuk Selamatkan Kami dari Ancaman Kepunahan“
Sekretariat Keadilan, Perdamaian dan Keutuhan Ciptaan (SKPKC) se-Tanah Papua mengucapkan selamat datang kepada Bapa Suci Paus Fransiskus yang telah tiba di Ujung Timur Tanah Besar Papua pada 6 September 2024.
Melalui jaringannya, SKPKC se-Tanah Papua telah menyampaikan buklet “Doa dan Harapan Umat Katolik Papua kepada Bapa Suci Paus Fransiskus” kepada Bapa Suci Paus Fransiskus saat kunjungan Apostolik di Jakarta pada 3-5 September 2024. Buklet tersebut berisikan 34 ungkapan isi hati umat Katolik di Lima Keuskupan di Tanah Papua yang dihimpun secara spontan sebagai keprihatinan umat terhadap Gembalanya.
Karena itu, ungkapan tersebut harus dipahami dalam kerangka reksa pastoral Gereja Katolik dan bukan uraian akademis, apalagi catatan politis. Penulisnyapun beragam latarbelakang dan profesi seperti pelajar, ibu rumah tangga, akademisi, dokter, pastor, tokoh awam Katolik, tokoh perempuan Katolik, dan tak lupa pengungsi internal yang selalu ada di hati Bapa Suci.
Melalui buklet yang tersedia dalam Bahasa Indonesia, Italia dan Inggris, kami mengajak semua orang yang berkehendak baik untuk mendengarkan suara hati orang Papua seperti Kotbah Paus di Gelora Bung Karno, 5 September 2024: “Perjumpaan dengan Yesus mengundang kita untuk menghidupi dua sikap mendasar yang memampukan kita menjadi murid-murid-Nya: yaitu mendengarkan sabda dan menghidupi sabda.”
Dikeluarkan di Jayapura, 7 September 2024
Pers Statement
The Network of the Offices for Justice, Peace, and the Integrity of Creation (SKPKC) of Papua
7 September 2024
“We are threatened. Holy Father, please speak up and save us from the threat of extinction”
The Network of the Offices for Justice, Peace, and the Integrity of Creation (SKPKC) of Papua cordially welcomes the Holy Father Pope Francis, who already arrived in the easternmost part of the Land of New Guinea on 6 September 2024.
Through its network, SKPKC of Papua already presented a booklet “Prayers and Hope of the Catholics of Papua to the Holy Father Pope Francis” during his Apostolic visit to Jakarta 3-5 September 2024. The booklet contains 34 letters expressing concerns of the Catholics of Five Dioceses in Papua that were spontaneously compiled as voices from a congregation to its shepherd.
Therefore, the expression should be understood within the framework of Pastoral
Care of the Church and not as an academic analysis, nor political notes. The authors come from various background and professions such as students, housewives, academics, physicians, priests, lay Catholic leaders, Catholic women, and, last but not least, Papuan IDPs who are always at the heart of the Holy Father.
With this booklet (available in Indonesian, Italian and English), we encourage all people of good will to listen to the voice of Papuans as the Holy Father said during his sermon in Bung Karno Stadium, 5 September 2024: “Encountering with Jesus invites us to live up two fundamental attitudes that will enable us to be his followers, namely to listen and live up his words”
Released in Jayapura, 7 September 2024
SKPKC of Papua
Contact persons:
Father Herybertus Lobya OSA (for Indonesian, Tel. 0852-5424-2735)
Father Alexandro Rangga OFM (for Italian and English, Tel. 0812-8942-1372)